Debate Competition 2016

The Inter House Debate competition was held on 21st of October 2016. This year’s topics were ‘The government should force feed people on hunger strikes’ and ‘Advertisements promoting fairness products should be banned’. The participants from Senior School were required to speak either for or against the topic for five minutes, followed by a question session by the judges.

Godavari and Cauvery tackled the first topic. Godavari was represented by Raghav Mecheri, Jairam Atluri and Shreeniketh Raghavan who spoke for the topic while Cauvery was represented by Bianka Venkataramani, Vikrant Vivek and Arunima Mody Subramaniyam who spoke against the topic.

Sutlej and Narmada spoke on the second topic. Sutlej was represented by Advaith Suresh, Shaaban Karim and Siddhanth Amarnath who spoke against the topic while Narmada represented by Prithvi Srivatsav, Sampriti S. and Savrang Jain spoke for the topic.

The results were announced and Sutlej placed first, followed by Cauvery, Godavari and Narmada. For his excellent debating skills and good answers, Advaith Suresh of Sutlej was declared the Best Speaker.

Annual Debate Competition Archives

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