Drama Competition 2014

This year, the theme for Drama Competition was ‘India’. Each house had to perform an original short play of fifteen minutes duration. First up on stage was Sutlej house, which performed a play called, ‘The ties that bind us’, which was about bringing families together. Next up, Cauvery house performed a comedy titled ‘Game of Perceptions’, which portrayed how people reacted to a mysterious box that was left unattended in a famous Indian park. Following them was Narmada house whose play was called ‘The Campaign’ and which dealt with a chaotic election scene. Godavari house enacted a play about affairs, called ‘Cheating Cheaters’. Cauvery house emerged winners and were awarded with both, ‘Best Director’ and ‘Best Script’ awards. Sutlej came second with ‘Best Script runners up’. Godavari house came in third and Narmada fourth, with ‘Best Actor’ awards going to both houses.

The results were as follows.

First: Cauvery
Second: Sutlej
Fourth: Godavari
Best Actor: Arjun Ivaturi of Narmada
Best Actress: Anushka Madhavan of Cauvery
Best Director: Swayam Saraogi and Akhil Madhavan of Cauvery
Best Scriptwriter: Nirica Srinivasan and Aasheesha Srinivasan of Cauvery


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