KIT Thomas Oration 2023

The KIT Thomas Oration is an annual event dedicated to honoring the memory of the school’s founder, Mr.K.I.Thomas. This special occasion invites distinguished speakers to address a diverse audience, including senior students, faculty, parents, esteemed guests, and alumni of the Lawrence School Lovedale and Sishya. This event is a unique tradition at Sishya, and each year, it welcomes accomplished individuals from different fields who have achieved excellence in their respective domains to deliver inspiring speeches. This tradition aligns perfectly with Mr. KIT Thomas’ vision, which emphasizes nurturing Sishya students’ inquisitive minds and encouraging them to excel in their areas of passion. These lectures effectively stimulate curiosity among students and broaden their understanding of the diverse paths they can take to shape their futures.

This year, the oration was held on the 12th of April. Mr. Palanivel Thiagarajan, Finance Minister of Tamilnadu, was the orator for the evening. The hall was packed to capacity to listen to Mr.Thiagarajan’s Speech. The evening was filled with a delightful discussion on the financial aspects of education, emphasizing that simply having funding does not guarantee educational improvement. Mr. Thiagarajan highlighted Tamil Nadu’s progressive policies dating back to 1921, attributing the state’s economic and social progress to inclusive education policies. Additionally, he emphasized the positive impact of education on overcoming traditional inequalities and highlighted the significant correlation between female high school graduation rates and per capita GDP, while also mentioning the substantial budget allocation for education in Tamilnadu. He also highlighted the importance of educating girls and its future benefits. The speech was captivating and of great interest to all.

Annual KIT Thomas Oration Archives

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